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Incredible Journey.

Each of us have been given an “Incredible Journey” called life. The dictionary says the word incredible means “impossible to believe” or “beyond belief”. As we look back over our life, how many times can we say “Wow, I can’t believe that just happened,” or “this is beyond belief”? No doubt I have said this many times throughout my life. Sometimes it was good, and sometimes it was really bad!!! As we walk this journey let’s cherish the good, learn from the bad and live each day to its fullest.

Navigating this Journey Together…

Ready, Set, Go.  Let the journey begin.    As we share our life experiences  hopefully we inspire all of us to keep pushing when life gets tough,  cry when we fall down, brush the dirt off and keep on going.  Walk with us through addiction, prison, enabling and VICTORY. No matter the battle we can “Stand  Together”  and overcome.

Our family is unique, I’m Native American (red),  I have two chosen daughters that are black, and I birthed an extra-ordinary white daughter.  We look strange if you are on the outside looking in but we are together thick or thin.  This Momma loves her babies!!

…You Can Do This. We Can Do This Together.

My journey in life has been a roller coaster ride to say the least. My failures have been many, but OH the view from the Mountain top is Amazing.
At times I have felt all alone, at other times I have felt smothered and surrounded with Love.

No matter where you and I may be on our journey we need each other.
Together we can walk through every valley and climb every mountain.
As I share the last 5+ decades of my life and the next chapter I invite you to join me and my family on this incredible journey.



Stay in the groove and stay connected with us as we travel on life’s journey together.