My Baby, My Dream - Standing Alone Together
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My Baby, My Dream

My Baby, My Dream

My Baby,

Let me introduce you to “My Babies”. I birthed my oldest daughter when I was 24 years old. When I realized that I was pregnant I was in complete shock. The doctor told me that I would never be able to get pregnant. After a few surgeries and fertility drugs all hope had vanished. THEN, I’m pregnant, wow what a surprise! Oh how I remember the nesting instinct. I wanted everything to be just perfect for my baby.

Twenty plus years later this nesting thing hit me again. However, I knew I would never have another child but I was making preparation for a baby, how crazy is that? Within a few months I realized that God was preparing me for a beautiful brown eyed, baby girl and a 16 year old young lady that would forever change my life. God knew that I needed them as much as they needed me.

We understand babies in the natural but what about our babies, our dreams in the Spiritual?

Let’s talk about “Our Dreams”

When God gives you a dream, it’s your baby. You hold your baby close to you and protect your baby in the natural. We feed it, we do whatever we have to do to keep it safe and secure. We don’t allow just anyone to hold them or touch them. But, do we protect our God given dream that same way? Often times we do not!

What dream has God given you? What is your purpose for being on this earth. Have you shared your dream, your baby only to be told that it will never happen? Did you put your Baby in someone else’s arms only to see it destroyed or used for self gain and not for the fulfillment of God’s purpose?

Ten years ago God gave me a dream. I allowed the opinion of a few folks to stop me, in reality I handed my baby to them. Why would we allow the opinion of man deter us from our God given dreams. Year after year I have written about my God given Dream in my personal Journal and thought about all the reasons why it will never come to pass. In other words, I doubted God.

Get your baby back, take your dreams back from the doubters. Wrap your arms around your God given purpose for this life, hold it close. Take time to write down the Promises of God that have been spoken over your life. Write down your God given dreams.

How foolish of me to be concerned with what Man may think instead of being obedient to my Heavenly Father, the one who created me, the one who spared my life time after time, the one who gives me breath each day. The one who saved my soul.

Dream Big!!

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